I used to buy Comet and Bon Ami for scrubbing sinks, toilets, and showers, but now I just make my own with some really cheap, really natural ingredients.  Sure, you can't eat this stuff, but at least it isn't chock full of wierd dyes and chemicals that I can't pronounce.

It's extra-easy and pretty, too when you put it into an inexpensive sugar dispenser for easy sprinkling.  You could also just poke some holes in a mason jar lid and keep it in there.

Here is the link to the blog post with the labels for the no-scratch scrub and also the all-purpose cleaner.

1/2 baking soda (really cheap to buy in bulk)
1/2 borax powder (found in the laundry aisle)
essential oil (optional)

Mix the borax and baking soda together, then add a few drops of essential oil (I used 10 drops lemon, 5 drops basil, and 5 drops peppermint).  Mix them together until combined.  Use just as you would BonAmi or Comet.

*Note, it's best to mix these in the container that you will be using them from.  Do not breathe in the dust.

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